Just One Day: Snap census on 29th February

Domestic Violence Service Providers in Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Louth took part in a one-day census on the 29th of February 2024 to demonstrate the considerable and continued demand for their services and the reality facing women and children experiencing domestic abuse in Ireland.
Over 24 hours five Domestic Service Providers in Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Louth provided direct support to 249 women and children and accommodated through their refuge and safe houses to 78 women and children made homeless due to their inability to remain safely in their homes.
Service Providers provided support to a further 196 callers including 81 callers seeking crisis and support.
Emma Reidy, CEO of Aoibhneas commented:
“The United Nations has designated this International Women’s Day theme ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’ for specialist Services Providers responding to women and children living in fear and displaced because of their experiences abuse, the census highlights the stark reality and the long road ahead achieving gender equality and eliminating all forms of gender-based violence.”
Sinead Smith, CEO of Meath commented:
“Service Providers who are members of the Domestic Violence Accommodation Forum-Dublin North and South East Region welcome the establishment of the agency CUAN and hope the state will take the opportunity to invest in gender equality, which means resourcing work to eliminate gender-based violence which is a violation of Human Rights.
About The Domestic Violence Accommodation Providers forum
The Domestic Violence Accommodation Providers forum is to share information, ideas and collaborate on joint initiatives that promote and improve service delivery and better outcomes for women and child victims and survivors of domestic abuse in the region. This group was established in 2021. Providers operate in Dublin, Meath, Louth, Wicklow and Kildare - what is effectively known geographically and in the census population statistics as the Greater Dublin Area.
Service Providers that participated in the One Day Census
- Aoibhneas Domestic Abuse Support for Women and Children www.aoibhneas.ie
- Saoirse Domestic Violence Services https://sdvs.ie/
- Teach Tearmainn https://www.teachtearmainn.ie/
- Meath Women’s Refuge and Support Services https://www.dvservicesmeath.ie/
- Drogheda Women’s & Childrens Refuge https://droghedarefuge.org/